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We grow your expertise in digital media

Audio and digital platforms are attracting more and more users. But new platforms and channels require new skills. We show you how to develop podcasts, web videos and other digital media. We train you to express yourself confidently on the microphone and camera. And we'll guide you through the media transition. Find out more and request customized training now.
Why choose us?
Workshops and trainings
How to start your podcast
Podcasts are booming. Public broadcasters, YouTube stars and magazines have their own shows, and more are emerging every day. Companies and organizations are following their lead. In this workshop, you'll learn how to use podcasts in your communications. We will dive into the basics, listen to successful productions and learn how podcasts are created. Afterwards we will develop a concept idea for your own project.
Digital content creation
It's a long way from a neatly produced audio piece to a successful podcast. With our concept workshops, we will guide you every step of the way. And work out a unique selling point that sets your podcast apart from the competition, analyzing target group and media needs of the format. Finally, we find a way to implement the podcast that suits you and your brand. The strategy also includes accompanying formats on social media.
How to be a podcast host
You already use podcasts in your communication strategy, the first recordings have been made. But you have the feeling that you could get more out of it. The talks aren't very dynamic? We can do something about that. Let's rehearse different roles in front of the microphone, work on the basics of writing for listening. And take a look at podcasting scripts that really help with the interview process.
Cross-media storytelling
A good topic is far from being an exciting story. Facts and figures can come to life through storytelling. It's the stories of people, their feelings and experiences that move audiences. Storytelling techniques can be used on all channels - including Instagram, YouTube and podcasts. But how do I make the leap from reporting to storytelling? What techniques are used to construct stories? We'll show you in our workshop.
Media training
Being behind the camera and the microphone is one thing. Being in front of it - a whole other story. We will work with you to deliver your best possible performance. Through years of experience in interviews with celebrities, politicians and "ordinary" people, we know what it takes. Our experience, backed up by successful concepts in media training, will give you confidence and expertise in front of the camera and microphone.
Train the trainer
The demands on professional development have changed. Specialists from editorial offices should be qualified in a sustainable and results-oriented manner, using activating methods and innovative approaches. We develop the skills of professional trainers and coaches in our programs, from learning design to didactics. In our workshops, we pay particular attention to the needs of media and PR professionals.
Change for editors
The tasks of editors have changed in recent years. Content is produced cross-medially, processes are digitalized. This also means that workflows are changing, and teams and managers need to reorganized and developed. But how exactly? We'll find out together. With our training expertise, we support you in change management. So that your step into the digital future is a success.
Media development
We share our experience and offer training in international media development. Whether conflict-sensitive reporting in Ethiopia, independent podcast production in Belarus or digital fact-checking in Armenia - radio stations and media from all over the world rely on our expertise. We organize our workshops with international academies, local partners and federal ministries.
Coaching for media experts
As an executive in the media, it is not enough to write excellent texts or produce exciting radio stories. Managers have to develop teams, moderate conflicts and create visions. This can be quite demanding. In our coaching sessions, we offer space for self-development. Our clients evolve realistic goals, results-oriented solutions and draw strength from existing resources.
What our clients say
  • Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich
    Robert Bosch Stiftung, Senior Vice President, Communications
    "Philipp Eins is an excellent trainer. He is highly competent and has extensive experience with podcast and radio formats. He sprinkles in the theoretical knowledge about the history of podcasting or current trends and listening habits quite incidentally, and he tailors the exercises precisely to the respective participants. And all that in a very pleasant atmosphere. Highly recommended!"
  • Ariel Hauptmeier
    Reportageschule Reutlingen, Head of education
    "Philipp manages not only to competently convey the basics in radio and podcast production, but also to spark genuine enthusiasm. His training is well thought out and sensibly structured. From an introduction to audio editing to storytelling to pitching podcast ideas, it's all there. It's a workshop with a perfect mix of practice and theory that will make students want to try out what they've learned soon."
  • Jan-Christian Ewering
    Verlag Der Tagesspiegel, Director communications
    "I have been working with Philipp for several years in the production of podcasts. Due to his former work at Tagesspiegel and other media houses such as Deutschlandfunk, Philipp is the optimal partner for new audio formats. The podcasts meet high qualitative and journalistic standards. Absolutely recommendable!"
Our references
Workshops of our partners
Fancy more training? Click here for more information of our partners at Content Network Germany.
About the team
  • Philipp Eins
    Trainer & Business Coach
    Philipp has been working as a journalist and trainer in Berlin for 15 years. He develops podcasts and digital formats, gives workshops and teaches at academies and universities. Previously, he worked in the editorial departments of Deutschlandradio and Tagesspiegel. He is a graduate of the Reportageschule Reutlingen and the master's program Online Radio at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. He was trained as a business coach at the Free University of Berlin. His current book "Podcasts in Journalism" was published by Springer VS Wiesbaden.
  • Jonathan Fasel
    Trainer & Consultant
    Jonathan is a specialist in complex communication. After studying journalism and political science at the University of Leipzig, he built up communications for the electricity exchange in Paris and worked as a spokesperson for a digitalization company. Today, he advises companies and institutions on communicating complex issues - whether as a social post, magazine or website.